T-Zone-Skin Clearing Face Moisturizer

When i was growing up i had really bad acne. I was always that girl who was self coincidence about what she looked like. Even make up wasn't helping me get rid of my acne scaring. Throughout my teenage years i found it really hard to not wear make up whether it was for school or for going out with friends. When i left school it was still bad, so when i went to college i started to accept that it wasn't going anywhere.I'd tried other acne clearing skin stuff and nothing had worked until one day i came across this brand.

The product contains tea tree and eucalyptus which surprisingly didn't irritate my skin. I have sensitive skin and I don't like changing things up in my skin care routine. The smell of this is just so fresh and clean. Its a white substances but you cant see it on your skin its also very lightweight. It blends really nicely , its not to harsh and it doesn't burn either.
swatch of the cream

My Thoughts
i think this product is very good. Its very cheap as well and there is alot of product in the tube that you get. my skin adapted to the cream after the 2nd uses of it. It is now my holy grail product and i will continue to re purchase it. i do want to try other things from the line as ive heard that they are very good so i have high expectations for the rest of the line.If they are as good as the cream then it will be a win win situation. the only thing it doesn't do it stop break outs from happening, but since ive been using this i haven't had that many break outs, which in my opinion is really good as i dont have to cover them up as much as i used.



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